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0.0分 / 剧集频道 / 美国 / 2023


剧情介绍:Set in modern-day Los Angeles, Peacock’s successful one-hour drama series Bel-Air imagines the beloved sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air through a new, dramatic take on Will’s complicated journey from the streets of West Philadelphia to the gated mansions of Bel-Air. As these two worlds collide, Will reckons with the power of second chances while navigating the conflicts, emotions, and biases of a world far different from the only one he’s ever known.Season two of Bel-Air picks up with Will at a crossroads in his life as a new figure comes into his life who challenges what he’s learned in Bel-Air and competes for control of his influence. He juggles this while navigating his home life with the Banks family and trying to rebuild the trust that was broken at the end of last season. We’ll see Will and Carlton’s brotherhood start to evolve as they grow closer, but still challenge each other about their differences. We’ll also see Hilary evolve as she becomes more of a boss in her influencer world and how that spills over into her relationship with Jazz, and also highlight the relatable struggles around Viv and Phil balancing marriage and family while trying to forge their own career paths and reconnect to the things that are important to them.Inspired by Morgan Cooper’s viral trailer that reimagined the iconic, culture-defining ‘90s sitcom, Bel-Air takes a fresh and raw approach to this world of swagger, style, and aspiration, while exploring Will’s complex journey through a current lens. The series features an ensemble cast that introduces new sensation Jabari Banks as Will and a creative team that includes showrunner, executive producer and writer Carla Banks Waddles and Cooper, who serves as executive producer.

影片看点:《贝艾尔第二季》是由内详导演在美国发行,由贾巴里·班克斯,阿基拉·阿克巴,吉米·耶肯博拉,Andi·René·Christensen,Nicholas·Duvernay,卡桑德拉·弗里曼,Charlie·Hall,Cheryl·Francis·Harrington,斯特凡特·哈特,艾德里安·霍姆斯,乔·霍尔特,艾普尔·帕克·琼斯,可可·琼斯,Jordan·L.·Jones,Simone·Joy·Jones,杜恩·马丁,布鲁克林·麦克林恩,主演,在 2023上映,美剧迷www.meijume.com为您收集了该视频HD、BD、720p、1080p、1280p、百度云蓝光、无限制级、完整未删减版等资源,pc网页端、手机mp4、高清云播放等线路,如果你有更好更快的资源请联系站长。


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